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Writer's pictureMarcos Michelet

Bed bug bites: all you need to know

As a K9 bed bug detector dog handler of over 15 years standing, I have met with hundreds of people in the Greater Vancouver area who have had bed bug bites. I am not a medic, but I am very experienced with regards to the signs, symptoms, and treatments of bed bug bites. Within this article, I break it down into several key areas to help you understand, identify, prevent, and treat bites.

How can I tell if bed bugs have bitten me?

Many people suffer from bed bug bites for weeks, months and in extreme cases, years, mistaking them as bites from other bugs or flying insects. The simple reason is that bed bug bites are not hugely distinguishable from other insect bites.

Also, if you do suffer from the same type of bites over a prolonged period, it is a safe assumption that they are not seasonal insects and maybe due to a more sinister source, bed bugs. They do not pack their bags and move out when the temperature, either inside or outside your home or business changes.

What do bed bug bites look like?

Bed bug bites can be small red spots which are either flat or slightly raised. Often, they will have a darker spot in the centre. They can appear as standalone bites on one part of your body, show up in a zigzag, a straight line, or in a bunched up formation. It really does depend upon how many bugs you have, how much of your skin is exposed, or the timeframe you have been sharing your bed or seating with them.

Bed bug bites near ankle
Flat beg bug bites near ankle

Inflamed bed bug bites on foot and ankle
Raised and inflamed bed bug bites on foot and ankle

Which part of my body will they bite?

The simple answer is anywhere. However, the most usual places bed bugs feast on are legs, arms, torso, and neck.

How do they feel?

Itchy…very itchy. Everybody will react differently to a bed bug bite. Some people will not react at all to bed bug bites, the one common feeling everybody unfortunate enough to react to their bites is a powerful desire to itch and scratch the bites. Some will suffer a more severe reaction than others and the bites may develop into larger inflamed areas or even blistered skin.

How long will they itch for?

The itch will not disappear as quickly as, say, a mosquito bite, meaning that each bite will be itchy for several days (even weeks) more.

Are there any more severe effects of bites?

Whilst extremely rare, some people can experience more severe complications due to bed bug bites, the more serious being anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. Happily, such cases are exceedingly rare. The most common effect of bed bug infestation is psychological, namely insomnia, caused by a fear of going to sleep in a room which you suspect has bed bugs.

How can I treat bed bug bites?

As with any medical issue, you need to obtain a proper diagnosis.

Firstly, you need to understand whether the bites you are suffering from are caused by bed bugs. The best course of action to determine this is to have your home or business property assessed by an expert pest controller. The most accurate bed bug detection service on the market is none-other than a highly trained K9 bed bug inspector. Spot On K9 Detection are proud to have Rio, our gorgeous German Shepherd, as our resident canine bed bug detector. She has a close to 100% accuracy rate, if your property has a single bed bug, she will sniff it out.

Once you have received absolute confirmation that your bites are from bed bugs, you can start by avoiding the urge to scratch and inflame (or infect) them. Then keep them clean and apply an anti-itch cream or lotion, ideally with hydrocortisone 1%. If they are severely itchy, will not go away or become inflamed, blistered, or infected, then please do consult your doctor ASAP, who will prescribe you a stronger steroid cream.

To find out more about our services or to book Rio to come in and conduct a K9 bed bug inspection, please call our Vancouver office on 778-855-6768 or contact us via our website

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