Halloween, a time to decorate our homes and make them scarily welcoming for hoards of candy-hungry kids to come trick or treat. We collectively embrace this odd annual event, with many of us going out of way to scare ourselves with horror movies and grisly tales. However, while this is all good fun, for many people, there is a real-life horror story taking place in homes throughout Greater Vancouver.

Vampires are mythical creatures, created in the image of man, that exist by feasting on the blood of humans. Feared by some, revered by others, they hold their victims spellbound before they welcome them to the undead club via a vampire kiss.
Not all blood suckers are mythical
Thankfully, while characters portrayed by the likes of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Kiefer Sutherland, and Robert Pattinson are as fictional as they are in the movies, the same cannot be said for one very real blood sucker that will feast on the blood of you and your loved ones this October 31st (and beyond) …bed bugs.
Like Dracula and his underlings, bed bugs need human blood to survive, thrive and multiply their numbers. However, unlike a vampire victim, you can easily resist and escape your fate as a midnight snack for a blood-sucking parasite.
Hot or cold, your home is just right
Bed bugs can survive in temperatures as low as -14c and high as 34c, so once they are in your home, they are going nowhere, at least not without assistance from a professional pest control company. Bed bugs’ favourite temperature is 20c-22c, the temperature most people set their thermostat at during fall.
Ignorance isn’t bliss
Incredibly, most people are unaware that they are living with bed bugs. They put the bites down to other sources and can suffer itchy bites for weeks, months or years before bed bugs are detected.
The perfect solution…no garlic required
It really doesn’t have to be this way. There is one sure fire way of determining whether your home has a bed bug infestation, and garlic, wooden states and holy water are not required. A far simpler, more reliable method is available, namely a K9 bed bug detector.
Western Canada’s original K9 bed bug detectors
Spot On K9 Detection is run by Marcos Michelet, the first Vancouver pest controller to train and utilize bed bug sniffer dogs to inspect residential and commercial properties in western Canada.
Marcos’ current canine bed bug inspector is Rio, a four-year-old German Shepherd. Before Rio, there was Vegas the Beagle. For over 15 years, Marcos and his trusty K9 sniffer dogs have been determining the presence of bed bugs.
Rio has been trained to detect the scent of a single live bed bug, and its eggs. Her success rate is unrivalled in Greater Vancouver. If bed bugs are present in your property, Rio WILL detect them.
To book Rio to undertake a canine bed bug inspection, simply call Marcos on Vancouver 778-855-6768 or send him a message.